Neue Vokabeln

The company focuses on the development, production and sales of passenger cars, vans and services. Furthermore, the company aspires to be leading in the fields of connectivity, autonomous driving and alternative drives with its forward-looking innovations. The product portfolio comprises the Mercedes-Benz brand with the sub-brands Mercedes-AMG, Mercedes-Maybach and Mercedes me – as well as the smart brand, and the EQ product and technology brand for electric mobility.
Our time at BMW

The company focuses on the development, production and sales of passenger cars, vans and services. Furthermore, the company aspires to be leading in the fields of connectivity, autonomous driving and alternative drives with its forward-looking innovations. The product portfolio comprises the Mercedes-Benz brand with the sub-brands Mercedes-AMG, Mercedes-Maybach and Mercedes me – as well as the smart brand, and the EQ product and technology brand for electric mobility.
Our time at Mercedez-Benz

To make a difference in the lives of people globally through our innovative medicines, vaccines, and animal health products. We are committed to being the premier, research-intensive biopharmaceutical company and are dedicated to providing leading innovations and solutions for today and the future.

MTU Aero Engines is Germany’s leading engine manufacturer and an established global player in the industry. The company engages in the design, development, manufacture, marketing and support of commercial and military aircraft engines in all thrust and power categories and stationary gas turbines.
Our time at MTU

"In the beginning I looked around and could not find quite the car I dreamed of. So I decided to build it myself." - Ferry Porsche
His dream of the perfect sports car has always driven us – throughout our history. And we get closer to achieving it every day. With every concept, every development and every model. Along the way, we follow a plan, an ideal that unites us all. We refer to it simply as the Porsche Principle. The underlying principle is to always get the most out of everything. From day one, we have strived to translate performance into speed – and success – in the most intelligent way possible. It's no longer all about horsepower, but more ideas per horsepower. This principle originates on the race track and is embodied in every single one of our cars. We call it "Intelligent Performance".

Technical University
As part of a bottom-up strategy process, the Technische Universität Braunschweig defined its goals and values ​​in 2013. They are the foundation of our self-image as a university. The TU Braunschweig sees itself as part of the international community of researchers. We train our employees, scientists and students in order to contribute their expertise in science, industry, industry and society or in public administration . At the same time they stay connected to us and our values. All members of our academic community - professors, staff and students - shape the development of our university and deliver For almost 275 years, impulses for research, teaching, knowledge and technology transfer.

Darmstadt Technical University
Since its foundation in 1877, TU Darmstadt has been characterized by a special pioneering spirit. It is part of our self-image to continuously continue this tradition of innovation. Through outstanding achievements in research, teaching and transfer, we open up important scientific fields of the future and continually open up new opportunities for shaping society. This makes TU Darmstadt one of the leading technical universities in Germany with high international visibility and reputation.

Our Mission is to simply be the best in every area of our business. We will accomplish this by providing the most exceptional customer experience, being the best place to work, and strongly supporting our community, all while working together as ONE Galpin!
During this trip, students have been asked to create a list of 10 new (to them) vocabulary words or phrases per day along with 3 words related to the dialect of the city/region. Below is a selection/snapshot of some of the words that the students have submitted.
If all students were to submit different words for each day/task, they will have collectively covered a total of over 2,500 new words!
Check back every so often to see what they have learned!
Tag 1
06.01.2020 (München)
1. "Stimmt so" (phrase): was man sagt, wenn man der Bedienung Trinkgeld geben will - "keep the change"
2. ab sofort (adv): as of now
3. der Notausgang (noun; m): der Ausgang für Notfälle (seen in hostel) - emergency exit
4. das Gleis (noun; n) - rail/track
5. Radler - (noun;n). (gesehen in einem Geschäft): Ein Bier mit Limonade
6. geimpft (adj./past-p): vaccinated
7. ermöglichen (verb) -Wann man etwas möglich macht (Ad auf U-Bahn) - to become possible
8. günstig (adj.) cheap
9. gültig (adj.) valid
10. verpflichtet (adj; past-p): committed
Tag 3
08.01.2020 (München)
1. die Breite (noun; f) - width
2. die Öffnungszeiten (noun; pl) - öffnen Stunde - hours of operation (seen in art museum)
3. damals (adv) - then; at that time
4. das Getriebe (noun; n) - gearbox/transmission
5. die Karikatur (noun; f) - cartoon
6. die Apfelschorle - ein Getränke von Äpfeln (noun;f) - apple juice mixed with mineral water (Getränke)
7. verstellen (verb) - to adjust
8. der Hersteller (noun;m) - manufacturer
9. jugendliche (noun; pl) - adolescents/the youth
10. begrenzt (adj; past-p) - confined; bounded
Tag 4
09.01.2020 (Stuttgart)
1. besonders (adverb): vor allem - especially, extra (saw on U-Bahn ad)
2. verzichten (verb) - auf etwas auf zu geben - to give something up, to abstain (Zeitung)
3. der Maulkorb (noun; m) - muzzle
4. die Blutdruckmessung (noun; f) - das Maß von Blut in einem Mensch - blood pressure measurement (Apotheken Wand)
5. berühmt (adj.) etwas das jeder kennt - famous (ad in Stadt)
6. "Diggah, was?" - Bro, what?
7. die Ausdauer (noun; f) - endurance
8. der Pendler (noun; m) - commuter
9. zittern (verb) - to tremble
10. lenken (verb) - to steer
Tag 5
10.01.2020 (Stuttgart/Heidelberg)
1. sauber (adj) - nicht schmutzig - clean (saw in department store)
2. das Vorbild (noun; n) - role model
3. wohlfühlen (verb) bequem sein - to feel comfortable (Hauptbahnof)
4. die Strophe (noun; f) - ein Teil von einem Lied - verse, stanza (Buch über Minne Lieder)
5. die Hofkutschenfabrik (noun; f) courtyard carriage factory
6. belästigen (verb) - to harass
7. der Mitarbeiter/die Mitarbeiterin(nen) (noun) - staff/employee(s)
8. grenzenlos - (adj) - infinite
9. feuerverzinkt (adj) - hot zinc dipped, probably referring to the metal piece in a car (in the Porsche museum)
10. lächeln (verb) - to smile
Dialektwörter von Heidelberg (Pfälzisch)
Krumbeere - Kartoffel - potato
Schäufele - a dish made from a pig's shoulder
gine - gerne - gladly
Tag 8
13.01.2020 (Darmstadt)
1. tagelang (adj.) - endless
2. verkeilen (verb) - ein Tür aufhalten mit etwas, wie ein Block - wedge
3. der Fuchs (noun; m) - ein kleines Raubtier, das ein rotbraunes Fell hat - fox (seen in Deutsch book)
4. die Wolle (noun; f): die Haare von Schafe - wool
5. die Industrialsierung - (noun; m) - industrialization (Merck Museum)
6. der Hinweis-(noun; m) - advice, hint, clue
7. deaktiviert (adj.) - deactivated
8. die Haltestelle (noun; f) - stop, station
9. der Fachbereich (noun; m) - department at a school/university (talking to a Darmstadt student)
10. der Schmuck (noun; m) - Zeug wie beispielsweise Ringe, Ketten, Ohrringe, die man am Körper trägt - jewelry (saw in shop)
Dialektwörter von Frankfurt & Darmstadt (Hessisch)
Abbel - Apple
Aschenescher - ashtray
Abbelwoi- apple wine
Pfänzscha - Pflanze - plant
"Horsche mal" - Listen up
Zwersch - Zwerg - gnome
"Moin"- good morning
Flädle - sliced pancakes
"Schen" vs. "le" - dialectic choice for describing something small
"Ei gude wie"- How are you
Klaaknoddel - believed to be “little dumpling”
Mädsche - girl
Tag 11
16.01.2020 (Braunschweig)
1. gehören (verb) - to belong to someone
2. aufmerksam (adj.) - alert, attentive
3. die Ergonomie (noun; f) - die Wissenschaft von wie effizient Leute Arbeiten - ergonomics
4. die Flüssigkeit (noun; f) - wie Wasser - liquid (Presentation)
5. die Überraschung (adj.) - etwas unerwartetes - surprise (Kinder Schokolade poster)
6. der Urwald (noun; m) - jungle
7. anstrengend (adj.) - exhausting
8. der Konsum - consumption
9. erfolgen (verb) - to happen
10. die Münze (noun; f) - kleine metall Dinge/Geld - coins (auf Konversation)
Dialektwörter von Braunschweig (Ostfälisch)
Blochen - bon bon
Kürsch (or Kürche) - Kirsche
Hamburch - Hamburg
Mumme Brötchen - Malz Brötchen
Tag 2
07.01.2020 (München)
1. das Schwarzfahren - V. (U-bahn): ohne Fahrkarte zu fahren travel without ticket
2. der Naher Osten - die Teil vom Welt wo Syrien, Iran, Saudi Arabien sind; es heißt “Middle East” auf Englisch
3. das Gebäude: building
4. die Abteilung (noun): das Departement (seen in stores)
5. der Zweck (noun; m): purpose
6. der Notruf - V. ( U-Bahn): Telefonieren 112
7. der Schwerpunkt- center of gravity, noun
8. der Hauptbahnhof (noun; m): main train station
9. drücken (verb): to press/push
10. gratis (adj): complementary/free
Dialektwörter von München (Bayerisch)
Dialektwörter von Stuttgart (Schwäbisch)
Krombiera - Kartoffel - potato
Bräschling - strawberry
Schdugard - Stuttgart
schwatzen - talking/chatting
Tag 6
11.01.2020 (Heidelberg)
1. jedoch ( adv) - though, nevertheless
2. die Ehe - (noun, f) - marriage (Heidelberg Schloss)
3. die Bücherei - (noun, f) - ein Ort mit vielen Büchern - book store (from bus)
4. vermutlich - presumably
5. berühren (verb) - to touch
6. deutlich (adj.) - clear
7. die Grünen (noun; pl) - the Green party (political)
8. bewahren (verb) - to preserve, retain
9. die Tierarten (noun; pl) - animal species (a sign in the hostel, which was next to a zoo)
10. das Rauchverbot - (noun;n) - smoking ban
Tag 7
12.01.2020 (Frankfurt)
1. kaiserlichen (adj.) imperial - (Frankfurt Museum)
2. zweifellos (adv.) doubtless, indubitably (dinner convo)
3. das Männerzeug (noun; n) -"men's stuff" (seen at museum)
4. die Kohlensäurezusatz (noun; f) carbonic acid (water bottle label)
5. die Entdeckung (noun; f) - discovery (from ad)
6. das Nötige (noun; n) - wherewithal
7. die Schaffensphase (noun; f)- die Zeit wann ein Künstler kreativ ist - creative period
8. rückwärtsgewandt (adj.) - wenn man zu Altmodische gedanken wieder zurückkehrt - to return to old ways of thinking
9. die Waffe (noun; f) - ein Gerät oder ein Instrument zum Kampf oder zur Verteidigung - weapon, arm (seen in museum in Frankfurt)
10. das Gewicht (noun; n) - weight, importance, sum
Tag 9
14.01.2020 (Darmstadt)
1. Die Krise (noun; f) - crisis
2. ebenso - (adv.) - alike
3. Leer (adj.) - nicht voll (at Merck)
4. schützen (verb) - zum Schild - to shield, protect (auf dem Ubahn)
- Zum Schild
5. basisch (adj.)- ist die chemisches zusamensetung mit ein pH über sieben - basic, as in chemicals
6. die Zusammenarbeit (noun; f) - collaboration
7. persönlich (adj.) - personal, personally
8. das Altpapier (noun; n) - waste paper
9. Die Forschung (noun; f) - research
10. streben (verb) - to strive, pursue
Tag 10
15.01.2020 (Braunschweig)
1. der Bundesnachrichtendienst (noun; m) - Federal Intelligence Service
2. geschmuggelt (adj.) - smuggled
3. andere(n) (pron.) - others, everyone else
4. die Unterstützung (noun; f) -support (tutoring sign in TU Braunschweig)
5. der Stundenlohn (noun; m) - student wages (on a job application)
6. bisher (adv.) - up until now, not yet, so far
7. die Gewerkschaft -(noun; f) - ein Vereinigung von Arbeitern die versuchen für ihre rechte zu schützen - Labor Union (Abendessen)
8. achteckig (adj.) - ein Form mit acht Seiten - octagonal
9. das Geschirr (noun; n) - dishes
10. unterwegs (adv.) - en route, on the go, on the way
Tag 12
17.01.2020 (Wolfsburg)
1. die Verbesserung (noun; f) -improvement - (auto lecture)
2. verschlüsselt (adj.) - encrypted (VW tour)
3. der Sozialpädagoge (noun; m) - social education worker
4. klingeln (verb) - to ring
5. die Nachhaltigkeit - umweltfreundlich - sustainable (from the buffet)
6. erheben (verb) - to raise, lift
7. die Respekt (noun; f) - vertrauen und verstanden - respect (auf einem Bild)
8. der Karosseriebau (noun; m) - eine Autokörper zu formen - auto body shop (at VW)
9. glitzern (verb) - to sparkle
10. schick (adj.) - chic/stylish
Oins, zwai, g'suffa​ - 1, 2, 3
"Phi di" - Go with God
"Gruß Gott" - Good day
"Servus" - Hello/Goodbye
"Da bin i dahoam- da kim i her" - That is
home, that is where I am from
"I kim aus" - Ich komme aus / I come from
"Ois guade zum Gebuadsdog!" - Alles Gute zum Geburtstag - Happy Birthday
ein Maß - a liter of beer
der Oachkatzlschwoaf - Eichhörnchen Schwanz - a squirrel tail (das Lieblingsdialektwort von der BWM Mann)

Dialektwörter von München/Bayern